Sobre Nós

Especializados na criação de bovinos para corte e leite, garantimos qualidade e sustentabilidade em nossos processos.

Several cows are in a barn area, with some cattle staring directly at the camera. They have ear tags and are behind a metal fence. The image is in black and white.
Several cows are in a barn area, with some cattle staring directly at the camera. They have ear tags and are behind a metal fence. The image is in black and white.
A light-colored cow stands protectively over a darker calf, both with yellow ear tags, against a backdrop of lush green forest and grass.
A light-colored cow stands protectively over a darker calf, both with yellow ear tags, against a backdrop of lush green forest and grass.

Criação Bovina

Projetos focados na criação de bovinos para corte e leite.

A close-up of a brown cow with large horns standing in a grassy field. The cow has ear tags on both ears with numbers on them. Other cows are visible in the blurred background, suggesting a herd grazing in a spacious pasture.
A close-up of a brown cow with large horns standing in a grassy field. The cow has ear tags on both ears with numbers on them. Other cows are visible in the blurred background, suggesting a herd grazing in a spacious pasture.
Bovinos Corte

Desenvolvemos práticas sustentáveis para a criação de bovinos de corte, garantindo qualidade e eficiência na produção de carne, sempre respeitando o bem-estar animal e o meio ambiente.

A close-up of a black and white cow's head. The cow has a yellow ear tag with identification number 28694. It appears to be standing inside a dark barn or stable.
A close-up of a black and white cow's head. The cow has a yellow ear tag with identification number 28694. It appears to be standing inside a dark barn or stable.
Bovinos Leite

Nossos projetos de criação de bovinos para leite visam a excelência na produção, utilizando técnicas modernas que favorecem a saúde dos animais e a qualidade do leite, promovendo a sustentabilidade.


Estamos localizados em uma região ideal para a criação de bovinos, tanto para corte quanto para leite, garantindo qualidade e excelência.


Rua das Flores, 123


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